The Wilted Rose

Charting Labour meltdown 2007-2010

Sir Reg Empty’s ‘new force’ in NI politics

I recognise the historical importance of the Ulster Unionist Party. While Enoch Powell left the Tories to join the UUP, if alive today he would perhaps be puzzled by the realignment of the two parties.

Cameron was in Belfast for the Tory/UUP conference. His speech no doubt excited many but is a break with the bipartisanship which annoyed many in the past. He called for ‘a new force in Northern Irish’ politics.

The rise and fall of Sir Reginald Empty, the UUP leader, who looks and sounds a bit like the Neil Kinnock of Ulster politics, awaiting the next leader of his party, talked about forming a ‘pro-union aspirational party’ in opposition to ‘United Ireland aspirational parties’.

It wasn’t the Sheffield rally for Sir Reg, but I wish to point out that the union is a reality, not an aspiration.

8 December, 2008 Posted by | Cameron, Conservatives, Northern Ireland, politics, Reg Empty, UUP | Leave a comment